We Never Stop Caring: Scenes from Culmore Clinic During COVID-19

Despite COVID-19, we are continuing to care for our patients, many of whom rely on us as their primary care healthcare providers. In order to ensure the safety of our staff, patients and kind hosts at First Christian Church, we provide limited services in the parking lot of The Clinic. Here are some photos of our parking lot set up from two weeks ago. Before the Governor’s order limiting community contact, our staff Nurse Practitioner, Maura Constance, put herself on the front-lines to deliver for our patients.


Maura tends to a patient with serious wounds brought on by untreated diabetes. Patients with Diabetes are at a higher risk for complications from COVID-19.


Patient education is always a part of Culmore Clinic visits. Here Maura coaches her patient about caring for his wound at home.


Gratitude, happiness, and social distancing. You can’t tell, but Maura Constance is smiling!


At a time like this, our strong partnerships with neighboring social service and community agencies are key. We’re so grateful to our partners at NOVAScript Central who provide no-cost prescription drugs, Dar Al Hijrah Islamic Center and Islamic Relief Services who have donated hot meals and hygiene kits, and our clinic hosts, First Christian Church is Falls Church, who have allowed us to work from their parking lot.


Maura takes the blood pressure of one of our patients. It was very high after a full day of work. She also trained him on how to take his own blood pressure at home and sent him off with a donated BP monitor, lots of food, crucial information, and love.


Here a patient receives a prescription from NOVAScripts Central and a hot meal and hygiene kits thanks to Dar Al Hijrah Islamic Center and Islamic Releif Services. The patient and Maura were careful not to get too close.